Gardening Questions & Answers

Will seeds go bad if I don't plant them right away?

No. While the lifespan of seeds varies by type, most can last a few years if kept in the proper conditions. Those conditions would be a cool. dark, and dry spot like a refrigerator or garage. 

Can I check if seeds are still viable by testing if bad ones will float in water?

Doing the seed sink test might work for some seeds like melons, but only if they haven’t been thoroughly dried. It’s important to note that some viable seeds can float, so it’s not always a reliable method for determining seed viability.

What do stratification & scarification mean?

These are garden nerd terms for simple things.
Stratification means simulating what seeds would experience in their natural environment. For instance, some seeds need a chill (winter conditions) before they can germinate. You can often solve this by sowing seeds in the Fall or refrigerating them for a time before planting. The time period for for stratifying varies by seed type and hardiness zone. 
Scarification is a stratification method usually done on seeds with harder or thicker shells. You knick or give the seeds a hot water treatment before planting. 
You can read a little more about it on the Stratification & Germination: A Lame Kind of Witchcraft page.

Some guy on YouTube said I can germinate seeds quicker if I soak them in soy sauce or cat urine. Is this true?

No. That’s gross.

Can I grow plants that are outside of my hardiness zone?

You can try. It is possible to try planting a species of plant in a climate that is different from its natural habitat, but it is unlikely to survive. For instance, if you live in a cooler zone like zone 3 and try to grow a plant that thrives in a warmer zone like zone 10, the plant may not survive the winter even if it starts well due to a warm spring/summer. Similarly, growing a cold-zone plant in a warmer zone also poses the same problem.

How do I know if a plant is invasive to my state or region?

You can find out by looking up noxious or invasive plants in your county/region/state. Here’s a good start:

How do I know if seeds and plants are poisonous?

Don’t freak out. Before you buy or grow any plants, make sure to look them up first! Some seeds and plants are poisonous, so if you have pets and kids it’s important to do your research. The University of Utah has a pretty good database of poisonous plants. Click here

Can touching foxglove kill me?

No. However, ingesting any part of the foxglove plant or its seeds can be harmful to adults, children, dogs, and cats. Be cautious.

Does composting attract rodents and other animals?

It can. In general, rodents and trash pandas can be kept at bay by:
  • Choosing a tumbler, closed bin, hot composting, etc. 
  • Not composting cooked foods, dairy, undried eggshells, meat, and fish. 

What are trash pandas?


Aside from compost, why are rats showing up in my yard and garden?

Bird seed and pet food are big attractions. They also look for places to nest like tall grass and overgrown areas, leaf piles, and other areas with cover.

Is it okay to re-use potting soil?

If the soil wasn’t wasn’t last used with plants that had problems, looks decent, and doesn’t smell like rotting plant matter–yeah, it’s okay. If the soil seems to be on the drier side you can usually give it a little kick by adding some compost.

How often should I water my garden?

In general, around every 3-4 days. That said, some plants like cucumbers, young tomatoes, and squash need more water than others. Also, some days and months are hotter than others. It’s best to look up the water needs of different plants you’re planting and growing. 

Is it better to water in the morning or at night?

The safest bet is the early morning or late afternoon to early evening.
Watering at night means the wet conditions can bring uninvited guests like slugs and snails etc. The moist and cool conditions can also promote fungal diseases. 

Can cucumbers and squash cross-pollinate making a mutant vegetable?

No, that’s a myth. They are different species. You might read or hear you shouldn’t plant them side by side but that usually is due to some squashes attracting the same pests that are attracted to cucumbers.

Did Luther Burbank invent the plumcot?

No, plumcots have existed for a few hundred years and happened naturally. Burbank did invent the name “plumcots” and experimented with them he didn’t invent them. You can read more about Luther Burbank at Luther Burbank: Plants, Eugenics, and Kriya Yoga.

Who's the British guy I see on all the British gardening shows?

Monty Don.

Are there any documentaries that are about gardening that aren't going to put me to sleep?

It kind of depends on how sleepy you are, but sure. There’s a list of them here on the More Information page.

Back to the guy on Youtube--he says gardeners should fertilize with bacon grease, keep a pet owl to keep cats away, and that the government doesn't want us to know that we can use tin foil dipped in a mixture of Nutella and rotten banana peels to kill aphids. Is any of that true?

NO. Those are ridiculous ideas. That guy sounds like a disaster.
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